Tip of the Month – Interviewing

Tip of the Month – Interviewing

Have you ever had trouble sitting job interviews? I am certain that job seekers still get nervous no matter how many job interviews they attend, which is all a part of human nature. However, I can tell you that in my years of experience, there are a number of factors...
Tip of the Month – Resumes

Tip of the Month – Resumes

I’ve probably read 1000’s of resumes in my time and I’ve come across a range of different operators from a multitude of different industries. However, I am always looking for the same attributes in the resumes of job seekers. Incorporating relevant information and...
One door closes another one opens..

One door closes another one opens..

In recent times South Australian industries such as automotive, manufacturing and retail have been struggling. Consequently, a myriad of employees have faced or will be facing redundancies in the near future. Whilst this may be a difficult time for all the employees...

Growing your network

Growing your network The increasing popularity of social media in the business environment is great for job seekers. Websites such as LinkedIn allow users to market their own personal brand and become identifiable by potential employers in their chosen filed. Job...

Essential recruitment 101 – Part 2

Essential recruitment 101 – Part 2 Assessing all candidates applying for the position you have advertised is critical as this may have a huge bearing on your overall appointment of successful staff member. When you leave no stone left unturned, this  will help you...

Staying ahead of the pack

I am coming across an increased number of frustrated job seekers that are not getting any interviews either directly with an organisation or through a recruiter some of the things you may want to consider are becoming members of associations for example if you are an...